Mar 21, 2011

Ubuntu Natty Wallpaper

Here is one awesome looking Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal wallpaper by rikulu


Mar 18, 2011

Shotwell PPA for Lucid

Shotwell is the default photo manager for Ubuntu. In order to get updates to the app, you need to use the PPA. Yorba (the creators of Shotwell) will not push the newest version, 0.8, the thier PPA. The reson for this is as follows.
It turns out we can't easily release Shotwell 0.8 for Lucid in the Yorba PPA.  The problem is that Lucid has only Vala 0.8, but Shotwell requires Vala 0.10 to build.  We can't pull in Vala from the Vala PPA, because that would give us version 0.11, which can't be used to build Shotwell either (see #2638).  There's no easy workaround, so I'm marking this as wontfix.


Mar 14, 2011

Ubuntu Cloud Wallpapers

Here are 2 nice looking Ubuntu cloud wallpapers by below-the-surf.